
The most powerful path to AI transformation for your business, operations and offering. 

Nextelligence is a creative and technical emerging technologies consultancy &  platform. We devise and deploy bespoke solutions for your business / offering using generative AI. We also build and deploy apps to help raise your productivity and capabilities.

To be agile, using generative AI tools, we need to navigate a sea of options and make the right choices.

Slow to move = getting left behind
If you are not working and thinking holistically, there is a risk your competitors are.

Who are we? 
Creators, communicators, engineers, strategists and domain experts.


Nextelligence is formed of Darien Davis, AI Consultant, entrepreneur and generative AI image specialist and Dr. Uohna Thiessen, Ph.D. AI Strategist, Data Scientist and Machine Learning specialist.

We support companies in holistic business transformation with a focus on empowering you in creative, ethical and technical applications of AI. 

Our business transformation services begin with assisting you in content creation, via generative imaging and marketing training.


It's simple. Marketing and asset development (content, e.g. product imagery, design elements, commercial / concept art, ) can benefit immediately from generative AI use. 

Our AI driven creative content and marketing business transformation is typically a 3 Phase experience tailored to assist your company in harnessing and leveraging AI tools to supercharge your impact.

We also deliver bespoke packages befitting of your scale and ambitions.

What does it provide in terms of value?
- Increases your commercial ability to answer unique and targeted briefs.
- Increases your ability to design marketing materials at speed and scale
- Increases your capacity for cultural shifting - from responsive / reactive to proactive and industry leading

Always Bespoke

At Nextelligence, we do not specialise in 'cookie-cutter' approaches 

Everything we do is bespoke. You deserve nothing less

In this sense, when we train companies on generative AI content creation, we do in light of the available ecosystem of AI tools.

There over 12 thousand. Which ones would you pick?

These are utilised to position design and ops teams to tackle any challenge, no matter how specific the need. 

We work hands on with change leaders running sprints to optimise design then workflows and project management.

[Always tailored to your unique offering, aims and objectives]


We end with an overview of what is possible with Extended Business Transformation via Nextelligence. 

We operate on four prime principles. 

What, Why, When and How. 

Let's talk Now.


The future is Nextelligence. We help you harness it.